

Falkland Fish Company introduce children to the industry

Stepping Stones visit 2019

Stepping Stones Nursery pops by

The Falkland Island Fish Company, (a member of the Fortuna Group) had a special visit of 44 visitors from a local Nursery this week, “Stepping Stones”.

On the 11th June and recognising that it was half term, Deputy Manager of the Fish Company, Tiphanie May thought it would be a good idea to welcome the children to the farm so they could see what is involved in the rearing of 10’s of thousands of baby fish. The children were amazed to learn that some of the tiny fish were actually the same age as some of the visitors.

They were all shown what the eggs looked like and saw close up in glass tanks some impressive specimens of Trout that were 9 months and nearly two years old. Tiphanie also gave a brief presentation and explained what was involved in the process of producing the fish and how the fish were eventually transported to the sea cages at Fitzroy where they were allowed to mature.

It was a fun trip enjoyed by all and Tiphanie said that the Falkland Islands Fish Company could play host to other visits like these in the future as it is crucial that future generations of Falkland Islanders get to know, understand and be a part of an industry that plays such a huge part in everyone’s lives here.

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